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Things have been tougher than usual for Australian businesses recently – from drought, to fire, and a global pandemic. Rather than shying away from the tough stuff, we believe Australia needs to talk about the importance of resilience and its role in small business success. We hope this research will spark a national conversation about resilience and help small business owners find ways to further develop resilience and empower themselves for success.
Government assistance packages.  New Zealand will be rolling out a range of support packages and assistance aimed at reducing economic impacts on businesses due to COVID-19. It’s one of the largest in the world on a per capita basis and businesses are being urged to make full use of what is available to them. Let’s review the primary business support measures being rolled out.

Reckon Resilience Report

The research measured levels of resilience in small business leaders, asking them about their biggest sources of hardship and how they developed resilience. Here are the findings, tips and advice for developing resilience and ensure you and your business can bounce back from hard times.

Small business & bouncing back

Being able to bounce back and recover from stress is important to everyone, but it is even more important when it can make or break your business. See how these small business owners met their challenges head on and were able to achieve success after hardship.

Resilience Calculator

Where: 1.00-2.99 Is Low Resilience, 3.00-4.30 is Normal Resilience and 4.31-5.00 is High Resilience
The brief resilience scale: assessing the ability to bounce back. International journal of behavioral medicine, 15(3), 194-200.

Resilience through resources

Using the right tools and resources to succeed are the hallmarks of the most resilient small business owners. Understanding your cash flow or having compliant payroll software makes it easier to access subsidies, retain staff and plan for the future.

Government assistance packages.  New Zealand will be rolling out a range of support packages and assistance aimed at reducing economic impacts on businesses due to COVID-19. It’s one of the largest in the world on a per capita basis and businesses are being urged to make full use of what is available to them. Let’s review the primary business support measures being rolled out.

Tip & advice for building resilience

Resilience is a skill and – like any skill – it can be learned and improved. So what steps are Australia’s small business leaders taking to learn resilience? Take a look at our blogs for tips & advice.

How to stay productive during during lockdown

How to learn resilience & build success. Read the blog >

Working from home: How to stay sane indoors

Business resilience and taking care of yourself. Read the blog >

Top 4 productivity apps for small business

Majority of business owners affected by COVID-19. Read the blog >

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